Magical Times AHEAD!

We’ve been having some problems with Facebook’s Invite to group link (button below).. .if you can’t sue that button, please message either Demetre Souliotes, Kristen Ott or Taletha Rivas and we’ll add you to the group! Thanks!


the plan

Downtown Austin is such a special place, and we can’t wait to share it with you! 

Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Food Trucks, Walking Tours, you name it!

The plan is simple, meet up for dinner at around 8:30pm then bar hop and walk around Austin’s awesome downtown. 

Feel free to go to dinner with friends elsewhere and meet up along the way. Or join us at our first spot and bounce in and out. We plan to stay connected via group chat on Facebook Messenger, you can join via the button at the top of this page.

Details below! 

food options

sunday grub

Austin is a foodie town! Grab some friends and grab some magical moments!

Below we have some suggestions for where you might go. The first spot, Punch Bowl Social, is downtown and is where a couple of us will start for food and stay for drinks, then we’ll move on from there. 

The other spots below that are closer to the hotel, but on the way to downtown. 

Click links below!  Don’t forget to join the chat!

bar hopping

sunday bar hopping

We’re planning on hitting our first spot, Punch Bowl Social @ around 9pm.. then headed out from there. Friends Bar is a live music venue and we plan to cruise by and check it out at some point… then most likely will end at Coconut Club.